Friday, February 13, 2009

What is Pecha Kucha, and how is it pronounced?

Well, let's start with the easier part.

Pecha Kucha was founded in Tokyo, Japan in February 2003 by Astrid Klein and Mark Dytham as a designers' show and tell event to attract more people to a multi-media experimental event space they had set up.

Today Pecha Kucha Nights are held in more than 170 cities across the globe.

The format is simple: Each presenter is allowed 20 slides and only has 20 second to talk about each slide. So each presenter gets 6 minutes and 40 seconds. The kicker is that the presenters aren't in control of when their slide changes, so they're not going any longer than their 6 minutes and 40 seconds.

What Pecha Kucha has become is an opportunity for a community - big or small - to showcase its creative class and bring people and ideas together. That's exactly what we hope to accomplish here in Beaufort.

A date for Pecha Kucha Beaufort is still being determined (we're hoping for this September or October), as is the presenter list. But don't rule yourself out just because you don't paint or sculpt. Pecha Kucha is for chefs, teachers, poets and architects alike.

If you're interested in helping with or presenting at Pecha Kucha Beaufort contact us at

Here's a video of what Charleston's first Pecha Kucha night looked like.

Now how do you pronounce it?

Well the common pronunciation is four syllables, (peh-cha-ku-cha)
But I believe the correct pronunciation is three syllables (peh-chak-cha)
We'll get you the answer before Pecha Kucha Beaufort.


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